About Us
OffBeats is an Arts and Lifestyle initiative that shares content to inspire, provoke and cultivate a love for the unusual. Exploring weekly themes and mediums of creativity, we showcase ideas, artists and innovators that transcend our normal understanding, while challenging the concept of “normal” all together. With our finger on the pulse, we track the beats that waver from the rhythm.
Cheryl Schmidt

Greetings, I'm Cheryl. I enjoy all things strange and wonderful. I spend most of my time drinking coffee and losing myself in social media. My humour can be a little dark for some.
Kate Macdonald

I am always inspired to look for funny, weird and interesting stuff out there In the world. There are so many things to discover. Now that you have discovered “offbeats” I will deliver you so much wooow!! Off the wall content from the whole wide world.
Doris Crawford

Hi, I'm interested in various things! I'm very excited to share not only my knowledge and experiences, but also interesting things I didn't know with you here. Let's broaden our horizons together!
Gamora LaGreen

Hi, I'm Gamora. I would have much rather enjoyed sharing a grumpy puppy photo with you but that idea was nixed. I live in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest and enjoy film, travel arts, culture and of course - grumpy puppies!
Jason Collins

As a fashion model and dancer, I have always been enthusiastic about meeting with all sorts of creative ideas and the people behind. It's my pleasure to be part of the crew and share some of my favourite topics here! Cheers!