Ok, how many of you have had a “oh shit!” moment when you had to do #2 and smelled so bad? To be honest, I had it many times.
I’d like to introduce you a product called Poo-Pourri which will save you and also your family/friends/co-workers who will use the washroom after you!
It’s pretty simple. Just spray the product into the toilet bowl before you do your business. It creates a film on the surface of the water, so the odor will be trapped underneath. The product is made with natural essential oil, so it’s eco-friendly and also it smells great, while most of the conventional washroom air fresheners are chemical based products and they have just strong smell to trick your nose. Poo-Pourri has many variations of fragrance, and their naming sense is awesome, for example, No.2, Deja Poo, Royal Flush…etc.
It works really well! You should give it a try!