Have you ever dreamt being in movies and TV shows?
I wanted to be an actress so bad when I was a kid. But as I got older, I realized that only a handful of people can be successful to be in those Hollywood movies we watch, so I gave up becoming an actress and forgot about it.
However, my dream finally came true last year!! I could “act” in TV shows and movies! Of course I was not one of the main characters and I didn’t have a line to say. But still you can find me in them, and I could even talk to some of the famous actors when we were not on the set! It was a quite fun experience!
What I did was so called “extra” job. As you know, many TV shows and movies are filmed in Vancouver, so there are a lot of demands of background people. You can be on the screen, too!
If you didn’t have a dream to be an actress, I still recommend you to try it once! I’m sure you will enjoy watching the movie you contributed, but you will also enjoy watching other movies more. When I did the background job, I learned the costume fitting and hair make-up process, how movies are filmed, and how actors acts, etc. It was very interesting. You will never see movies the same way. Although I can still simply enjoy watching movies, it’s fun to know “behind the scene” that most of the people don’t know about!
My friend who is from Japan got a role in a famouse TV series as “a servant of the Japanese princess.” As the princess was a very important character in some episodes, everytime she needed to be in front of the camera, my friend was also called to walk right behind the princess in the Japanese traditional constume; kimono. I had more fun watching the show because of her!
Among many agencies, BCF (http://bcfcasting.com/extras/home.html) is the one my friend and I used. The application procedure is simple and easy. You don’t need to have acting experiences, but if you have any skills (it can be anything, playing instruments and martial arts, for example,) your chances to get called might increase!
Make your dreams come true, or give it a try to change your point of view!!