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"part work of art, literary experiment, and love letter to the physical expression of books.”

Tsouderos, Trine (November 28, 2013). "Review: 'S.' by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst". The Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 3 December 2013.


For regular reader, a book is a book, they read the story in text. For passionate readers, a book is gate that leads to the world within, they emerge themselves into the story through its text. For a book lovers (okay, maybe not all of them, but a lot of them do), book is the medium they communicate and argue to its author, they annotate on the margins with their immediate and exact thoughts. For the ones that often fall out of the margins or overlapping the edges of the above, I will call them tactics-book-lover for now, as they not only love the idea of the book but also it as an object: the tactical experience of running your finger down the edge of the page is as important as the lines on it. I am one of them. I don’t judge a book by its cover but I'd adore it more if the publisher’s choice of paper, fonts or title embossment give me a strike as I touch the book. (Yes, I refuse reading on a Kindle, sorry!) If you are like me, you will love this book as much as I do.


S - written by Doug Dorst and conceived by J.J. Abrams

I won’t spoil all the fun here to ruin your excitement but I will spill just enough for you to go buy the book right after reading this post. What are the fun parts of this book that you are about to, and must then when you get to the end of this article, purchase immediately? Here are the points summarized into a one-line heading:

1) It is a book that disgust into another, COMPLETELY.

I have never read a book that the name of the (real) author can only be found it the publisher info page.

2) You will be diving into the story mentally and physically, because you are reading the very book the as characters in the stories.

As mentioned above, this book has completely disgusts itself into the the book that was read by the character in the story. you will know what I mean once you start reading it.

3) Might not be the best book to carry around and read on a bus… because you don’t want to lose any “parts” of it.

Here is the exciting part that I don't want to spoil too much, all I will say is that there is loose parts of the book.

4) it’s not just a book.

It's a book. You have to find out yourself what's the difference between these two emphasizes.

5) You are literally hearing the voice of the author and the characters arguing, you also see them arguing right in front of you.

Remember what I said earlier about book lover? Yes you will see that happen right in front of your eyes.

6) I doubt if you can find it in a used book store. Even if you do, I don’t recommend you buying a used copy.

For only one reason: you can never be sure if a used copy is the very same copy anymore.


This is all I can say without spoiling all the fun of the book (I didn’t even use images of the "actual book”) and in fact when I heard about the book from my friend I didn’t even know as much as I mentioned here, and I bought it right the way anyway.

Find out more about the actual book and its actual author, buy the book and share the joy with me!

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